Virginia soccer dad attacks son’s coach with metal water bottle during match, knocking him out

On August 28, Virginia’s Prince William County Police Department announced the arrest of a man attending his son’s youth soccer game and who viciously assaulted his son’s coach. According to Fox News, the man that got assaulted was the suspect’s son’s youth soccer coach.
Blerand Hxoha, 45, was charged with malicious wounding after allegedly striking the coach’s face multiple times during the soccer match at George Hellwig Memorial Park in the city of Manassas on Saturday, leaving the coach with a black eye and swollen face …
Police said that on this past Saturday at 1:47 p.m., their officers responded to Hellwig Park located at 14418 Bristow Road in Manassas to investigate the report of an assault that had been called in to their department. Their investigation revealed that during a soccer game, one of the attendees, later identified as 45-year-old Blerand Hoxha of the 8000 block of Cabot Court in Manassas, struck a 46-year-old man in the head with a metal water bottle – multiple times.
The victim was identified by Fox News as soccer coach Vince Villanueva who said he didn’t know why Hxoha attacked him, “but recalled that the team was losing pretty badly when he was knocked out.”
Other attendees at the soccer game also reported the incident to police. Following that alleged attack, Hoxha fled the scene on foot. While checking the area, officers located Hoxha and took him into custody. The victim was treated at the scene for injuries.
Officers also determined the parties were known to one another. Following their investigation, Hoxha was formally arrested and charged with malicious wounding. He’s currently being held without bond pending his initial court appearance.
But according to The New York Post, Villanueva never met Hxoha or his son before. He was subbing in for a coaching friend during the scrimmage with the Northern Virginia Soccer Club at George Hellwig Memorial Park when he was attacked.
Some off-duty cops who were at the game were able to move the children a safe distance away and calm the situation. Villanueva, who is the head coach of the varsity girl’s soccer team at Potomac Senior High School, said he never experienced such aggression in his decades of coaching.
One of his eyes was still bloodshot, swollen and bruised and he had cuts on his nose and face as he spoke to Fox5 on camera Monday.
For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.
(Source and Blerand Hxoha booking photo: Prince William County Police Department)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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