Volusia Sheriff’s Office catches up with sexual offenders who failed to register properly

On September 11, the Volusia Sheriff’s Office, with several offices headquartered in the east-central part of Florida, just above Orlando, reported that their deputies and detectives just completed a two-month joint effort to pay a visit to every registered sexual predator in Volusia County. Those visits resulted in the arrests of predators and offenders who failed to meet their sexual predator registration requirements.
Operation Summer Slam started at the end of June and ended on August 31, with members of the VSO Career Criminal Unit contacting all of the 118 sexual predators residing in Volusia County. They were met at their homes, workplaces and campsites. Of those 118 predators, 16 were arrested for failure to properly register as sexual predators.
Those checks on predators also led to checks on an additional 45 sex offenders, with about 30 of them charged with failure to properly register.
Operation Summer Slam Slide Show
“These proactive checks are one more way we can protect our community from those who would prey on the vulnerable,” Sheriff Mike Chitwood said. “Every arrest has the potential to prevent another person from becoming a victim.”

Operation Summer Slam was a joint effort of the Volusia Sheriff’s Office, the State Attorney’s Office, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the U.S. Marshals Service, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
And if you’re interested in a career in law enforcement, the Volusia Sheriff’s Office is now hiring and offering a $7,000 signing bonus – plus moving expenses.
(Source: Volusia Sheriff’s Office)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter