Waitress Emelia Holden body-slams man after he gropes her (video)

Waitress Emelia Holden body-slams man after he gropes her (video)

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Waitress Emelia Holden body-slams man after he gropes her (video)
Image credit: Emelia Holden / Facebook

Emelia Holden, 21, of Savannah, Georgia, was close to finishing up her work shift as a server at Vinnie Van Go-Go’s pizzeria when she felt a hand smack her on the rear end.  The groping and her reaction were all caught on video.  Without hesitation, Holden turned around, chased the groper down and flung him to the ground.

The video then goes on to visually depict Holden giving her attacker a well-deserved tongue lashing.

MSN quoted an excerpt from the video of Holden telling her attacker: “You don’t touch me,” complete with variety of expletives. The groping at Vinnie Van Go-Go’s took place around 11 p.m. on June 30; and the surveillance video showing Holden slamming her groper has since gone viral.

After she tossed the man, whom the authorities later identified as Ryan Cherwinski, 31, of Palm Bay, Fla., she yelled for someone to call the police, and the man said that he had been trying to push her out of the way, she recalled. Mr. Cherwinski was arrested and charged with sexual battery. ~ per MSN

The Washington Post quoted Holden as saying that, “I was really satisfied when he was arrested. It not only felt like justice for me but justice for the other women who have had that happen.”

Cherwinski told the petite waitress that he was just trying to get by her and touched her backside accidentally as he walked past her.

“No, we know what you were doing,” Holden said.

According to WTOC, Holden had one final message for her groper: “I got what I wanted when they put him in handcuffs. Best wishes to your daughters.”

The video showing Cherwinski smacking Holden on her backside – and the ensuing takedown – is available for viewing below.

~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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