Washington County: Career drug dealer busted again dealing out of his car

On April 7 at approximately 5:30 a.m., officers with Maryland’s Hagerstown Police Department approached a driver in a vehicle in the 300 block of N. Jonathan Street. Those officers suspected the driver, later identified as Anthony Latimer, 41 of Hagerstown, of dealing drugs and using his car as his primary drug-dealing headquarters.
Latimer stepped out of the vehicle when asked to do so by officers. As the officers were beginning to investigate the situation, Latimer ran away from the scene on foot. Police caught up with him a short time later and placed him under arrest.
When officers apprehended him, they discovered nearly three ounces of crack cocaine on his person; and he was also in possession of nearly $4,000 in cash. Additionally, he was in possession of powdered cocaine and suboxone strips.

When he got busted this time, Latimer had been out of jail on a $5,000 bond stemming from a July 2021 CDS arrest. At that time, he was charged with possession of cocaine and possession with the intent to distribute. Latimer has eight previous drug related arrests in Hagerstown’s Washington County – dating back to 1998.
Latimer was charged with the following on this arrest:
- Possession- Not Marijuana
- Possession- Cocaine
- Possession- Synthetic CDS
- CDS- Sale/Manufacturing
(Source: Hagerstown Police Department)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter