Wayward teen robs child in Gifford, then he and cohort get busted with stolen guns

Wayward teen robs child in Gifford, then he and cohort get busted with stolen guns

Armed Robbery, Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Guns, Local, Mugshots, Opinion, Police, Public Health and Safety, Stupid Criminals, Theft, Top News, Violent Crimes
Ace News Today - Wayward teen robs child in Gifford, then he and cohort get busted with stolen guns
(Mugshots: Agenel Lumenes (Top) and Nicholas Shaw (bottom) – Image credits: IRCSO)

On January 24, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office (IRCSO,) headquartered in Vero Beach, Florida, reported arresting two local teens that really seemed to lack the wherewithall to be effective criminals – especially considering that one of them was on probation and wearing a GPS tracking monitor during the commission of bullying a young boy in the neighborhood – and stealing the young boy’s mother’s gun.

On January 20, the Sheriff’s Office received a report of an 11-year-old boy missing from his Gifford neighborhood.  After searching the area, the boy was found not too far from his home.  Turns out, the reason the 11-year-old ran away, was because he was in fear for his life after being threatened and robbed earlier in the day by 18-year-old Agenel Lumenes. The child was outside in front of his apartment when he was confronted and threatened by Lumenes, according to CBS 12 News.

Lumenes lifted his shirt and displayed a handgun to the boy and told him “go get your mother’s gun”.  ~IRCSO

The boy, in fear for his life, went back into his apartment, retrieved the handgun, and gave the gun to Lumenes as instructed. The boy then ran away until he was located shortly afterwards by IRCSO deputies.

IRCSO deputies and detectives then focused their search efforts on Lumenes – who was on probation and wearing an ankle monitor. Lumenes has an extensive juvenile criminal history and is no stranger to local law enforcement. His probation officer was contacted who quickly provided IRCSO with the GPS coordinates of Lumenes.

While detectives approached the GPS-pinged area, another subject, 18-year-old Nicholas Shaw. ran away with a blue bag upon being summoned by the detectives. 

Thankfully, K9 Deputy RT Williams and his partner K9 Zeke happened to be close by and were quickly on the scene to start a track. Within minutes, K9 Zeke located the blue bag containing three handguns, two of which were later confirmed to be stolen.

Stolen guns confiscated by IRCSO

Shaw was also apprehended and taken into custody.

Lumenes was located hiding in a nearby residence in Orangewood Park Apartments and taken into custody.

Lumenes was charged as with:

  • Robbery Armed with a Deadly Weapon, and
  • Aggravated Assault with Deadly a Weapon

Shaw was charged with:

  • Carrying a Concealed Firearm, and
  • Resisting Arrest Without Violence

(Source:  IRCSO)

Editorial note:  Hopefully, young Messrs. Lumenes and Shaw will view their arrests as valuable life lessons and each take the opportunity to lead more productive lives. ~ Ace News Today

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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