Why did porn star Stormy Daniels sue President Donald Trump?

Why did porn star Stormy Daniels sue President Donald Trump?

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Why did porn star Stormy Daniels sue President Donald Trump?
Image credit: Stormy Daniels / Twitter

Yesterday, Stormy Daniels, the adult film star who claims to have had a romantic and sexual relationship with Donald Trump from 2006 through 2007, sued the President of the United States. Because Daniels wants to tell her side of the story regarding that relationship, she filed her suit against Trump in Los Angeles Superior Court on March 6. Daniels had signed a disclosure agreement just days before the 2016 presidential election and accepted $130,000 in hush money so she would not discuss or disclose her relationship with Trump. Trump married his current wife, Melania, in 2005.

Now, Daniels’ suit aims to invalidate that disclosure agreement. According to NBC News, Daniels’ civil suit, “alleges that her agreement not to disclose her “intimate” relationship with Trump is invalid because while both Daniels and Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen signed it, Trump never did.”

If Daniels can have the court support her claim, she’d then be free to discuss and cash in on her past relationship with Trump.

Also yesterday, Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tweeted the fact that Daniels was suing Trump and attached a public copy of the complaint.

Why did porn star Stormy Daniels sue President Donald Trump?

Fox News reports that the copy of the agreement shows where Daniels and Cohen signed the paperwork and also shows that Trump did not.  Daniels and Trump had assumed aliases for the paperwork.  Daniels signed as Peggy Peterson and Trump was identified as DD or David Dennison. The spaces where DD or David Dennison were to sign the agreements were blank – no signature.

The lawsuit claims the two had an “intimate relationship” during the summer of 2006 in Lake Tahoe, and it continued “well into the year 2007.” Daniels and Trump reportedly met at least once “in a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel” during this time.

Cohen admitted last month that he paid Daniels $130,000 out of his own pocket in October 2016 to keep mum about her relationship with Trump. He said the payment was lawful and not a campaign contribution or campaign expenditure “by anyone.” ~ per Fox News

If Daniels’ suit against Trump is successful and the disclosure agreement is declared invalid, the porn star would be free to tell her side of the story. NBC News quoted Avenetti as saying, “She [Daniels] believes it’s important that the public learn the truth about what happened.  I think it’s time for her to tell her story and for the public to decide who is telling the truth.”

Through a non-published statement released through Trump’s lawyer, the president has denied ever having a sexual affair with Stormy Daniels. For more on Stormy Daniels’ lawsuit filed against President Donald Trump, see the video accompanying this article.

~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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